Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We are here!!

We made it. We are now in Uganda. A little tired, but other than that, very excited to be here. Basically spent the last two days traveling. First leg - Chicago to London (about a 7.5 hour trip). Then an 18 hour layover in London, so we went out sight seeing in London. Went on one of the double decker bus tours. Caught most of the major London sites. Came back to London airport and we slept for a couple hours in something they call a 'Yotel' - which is basically a very, very small hotel room. We then flew from London to Nairobi (Kenya)(a little over 8 hours trip). Then a short layover in Nairobi and jumped on a quick 1 hour flight into Uganda. Talk about being messed up on sleep. Our bodies can't figure out if it is the middle of the day or the middle of the night (8 hour difference in time zone). Should get that straightened out soon as we are hoping for a good night sleep tonight.

Tomorrow we leave for a long bus ride to a village in Uganda where there are some sponsored families. Not sure exactly what we will be doing, but should be fun.

I can already tell Luke is going to do great here. We did a little exploring today in the city of Kampala (capital of Uganda). Definitely a 3rd world country, though there is a city, buildings, businesses, malls, etc. Difference is the roads are in pretty poor shape and there is a lot of poverty scattered throughout. Come tomorrow, will be completely different as we will be way out of the city in a very rural village. More to come...


Anonymous said...

Cool. Glad to hear you made it safely over. It sounds like you're going to be busy so keep us posted when you can.

Phil T.

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear you made it there. Real interested in hearing about it all. Good luck and I will be checking in. Take care.

Unknown said...

Gene good to know u reached safely. Let us know your experiences there. Photos would be great!!

Best Wishes